
    Unknown column 'blog_show_startdate' in 'where clause'
    select * from blog where blog_status = 1 and (((blog_show_startdate is not NULL and blog_show_enddate is not NULL) and '2024-07-27 13:30:12' between blog_show_startdate and blog_show_enddate ) or (blog_show_enddate is NULL and blog_show_startdate is not NULL and blog_show_startdate <= '2024-07-27 13:30:12') or (blog_show_startdate is NULL and blog_show_enddate is not NULL and blog_show_enddate >= '2024-07-27 13:30:12') or (blog_show_startdate is NULL and blog_show_enddate is NULL)) and lang_id = '1' order by blog_pin desc, blog_id desc